We are glad to announce that, thanks to the collaboration between Symposia and Roma Tre University, Italy will be for the first time the hosting country of the 24th edition of the IFITT International eTourism Conference ENTER 2017, which will be held in Rome, January 24-27.

ENTER2017 eTourism Conference Rome

Promoted by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel and Tourism (IFITT), the ENTER Conference offers a worldwide and unique forum for attendees from industry, academia, government, and other organizations to actively exchange, share, and challenge state-of-the-art research and industrial case studies on the application of information and communication technologies to travel and tourism.

An extraordinary achievement for Symposia, a small event management company with a great future!

Symposia and Roma Tre University started working on this bid in 2015 and their collaboration has proved strategic in winning many other bids since then.

More informations available soon.