Prossimi Eventi

SOCIN 2025

SOCIN 2025 Rethinking Innovation: Inclusive Practices and Interdisciplinary Perspectives September 23-26, 2025 – Macerata, Italy ERUA’s annual conference SOCIN 2025 provides a platform to explore the theory and practice of social innovation. The 2024 [...]

INCS 2024

“Speed and Acceleration” INCS Conference 2025 June 18th-20th 2025 – Genoa, Italy The experience of an accelerating pace of change across various dimensions of life is one of the distinguishing marks of modernity. As [...]

Critis 2024

Critis 2024 Rome, September 18th-20th 2024 In an era where the security and stability of critical infrastructures are increasingly under threat, this conference serves as a vital platform for interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration. [...]

Congresso SItE

S.It.E 2024 XXXIII Congresso SItE dal 23 al 26 Settembre 2024 a Sapienza, Università di Roma Background Ecosystems are subject to anthropogenic and natural changes that increasingly affect their structure and functioning at [...]

ICORS 2024

ICORS 2024 28th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy – ICORS 2024 July 28 – August 2, 2024 – Rome, Italy There is a deep link between Rome and the Raman effect, dating back [...]

Sanremo – Stop HIV-HCV City

Sanremo Stop HIV-HCV City 2024 The Covid pandemic has temporarily monopolized the attention of the public, the National Health Authorities and the World Health Organization. In the meantime, the preparation work of the [...]


EAA 30th European Association of Archaeologists Annual meeting 28 – 31 August 2024 – Rome, Italy The EAA is the largest membership organization of archaeologists in Europe, founded in 1994 to bring together [...]


NEUTRINO 31th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics 16th – 22th June 2024 – Milan, Italy The conference will serve as a platform for the exchange of the latest results, innovative ideas and [...]

ECRS 2024

ECRS 2024 European Coral Reef Symposium 2 – 5 July 2024 – Naples, Italy ECRS 2024 will be held in Naples, Italy at the Città della Scienza and at the Anton Dohrn Zoological [...]

ICCE 2024

ICCE 2024 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering 8 – 14 September 2024 – Rome, Italy Created in 2000, the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute (COPRI) is a semi-autonomous institute of the [...]

ECCB 2024

ECCB 2024 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology Bologna June 17-21, 2024 L'European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB) è una serie di incontri professionali organizzati dalla Sezione Europa della Society for Conservation Biology [...]

AISME 2023

Commodity Sciences have always dealt with the issues of quality, innovation and sustainability in the agro-food sector, as demonstrated by the national and international literature rich in the contributions of the scholars of our [...]

Chirality 2023

Chirality 2023 33rd International Symposium on Chirality Rome July 24-27, 2023 Chirality 2023 will gather the world’s leading experts in the broad field of chirality and of its consequences in chemistry, biology, pharmacology, physics and [...]

INQUA 2023

INQUA 2023 - International Union For Quaternary Research: Time for Change 14 – 20 July 2023 – Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy "We want to take this occasion to rekindle the pioneering spirit of [...]

Euromit 2023

Euromit 2023 - International Meeting on Mitochondrial Pathology 11 – 15 June 2023 – Bologna Congress Center, Bologna, Italy EUROMIT is the premier international conference on mitochondrial disease. The prestigious five-day event will [...]

MLSP 2023

33rd IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) September 17th – 20th 2023 – Fontana di Trevi Conference Centre, Rome, Italy CONFERENCE THEME The IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning [...]

SYNC 2022

SYNC: First Symposium for Young Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability Rome 20-23 June, 2022 The First Symposium for YouNg Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability (SYNC2022) is an International conference that takes over the legacy of [...]

WFTGA 2024

WFTGA, the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations, is a not-for-profit, non-political organization that brings together professional tourist guides and encourages standards in guiding around the world. WFTGA is recognized as an NGO by [...]


A nome dell'Università di Padova, della FEPSAC, della Società Italiana di Psicologia dello Sport e del team organizzativo e scientifico altamente impegnato, siamo molto lieti di invitarvi a partecipare al 16° Congresso Europeo di [...]

PNG 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are about to start working for the next edition of the Polymer Networks Group Workshop. It will be held in mid-June 2022 in Rome, after four years from [...]

ICA 2022

Contemporary societies are characterized more than ever by diversity—a myriad of different communities, cultures, languages, institutions and technologies interact in a common space and make up our complex societies. Bridging the gap between [...]


The proposed theme for the IATDMCT 2021 follows coherently with the themes of the last Congresses, ie. pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, toxicology, the analysis of drugs in biological fluids and new analytical applications, the safety of patients [...]

ICEP 2021

During the Siracusa 2021 ICEP, many topics of extreme scientific relevance and societal urgency will be treated, such as restorative environments, quality of life and wellbeing, climate change and global warming mitigation and [...]

ISAAC – Scuola e CAA Roma 2020

"A school for everyone with the Augmentative and Alternative Communication: strategies, tools, technologies to guarantee accessibility, participation and inclusion" Rome, Barcelò Aran Mantegna Hotel, via Andrea Mantegna 130, February 22nd-23rd 2020 (the course will start at [...]


The meeting deals with the latest developments in Standard Model phenomenology at the LHC, and aims at bringing together experimentalists and theorists to stimulate discussions across the various fields. The main topics include [...]

TaCo 2022

The Taboo Conference series (TaCo) is an interdisciplinary conference aimed at bringing together scholars of various aspects of taboo in a variety of academic fields. The project was originated at the Department of [...]

NanoSEA 2020 Rome

8th International Conference NANOSEA NANO-structures and nanomaterials SElf-Assembly This biannual meeting, started in 2006 in France by Isabelle Berbezier (IM2NP, CNRS-Marseille) and Maurizio De Crescenzi (University of Rome -Tor Vergata), has a tradition of [...]

Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures

Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures Organized in partnership with Auro University (Surat, India), and with “Challenging Precarity: A Global Network”, this three-day international event sets out to continue the fruitful exchange of debates, ideas and [...]

Up to date nella chirurgia d’urgenza addominale

Il congresso è stato concepito con l’intento di presentare e discutere gli aspetti relativi alle varie innovazioni tecnologiche nell’affrontare il trattamento dell’urgenza addominale. Tra questi in particolare l’applicazione delle metodiche mini invasive, l’endoscopia e [...]


19th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology The proposed theme for the IATDMCT 2021 follows coherently with the themes of the last Congresses, ie. pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, toxicology, the analysis of drugs in biological [...]


Approaches to Multimodal Digital Environments: from theories to practices Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital [...]

Meeting Club del Globulo Rosso & SITE

Key Dates Early bird registrazion deadline: 16 July 2019 (12.00 pm CET) Late online registrazion deadline: 22 Septembre 2019 (12.00 pm CET) Call for abstract start: 12 Aprile 2019 Contribution presentation deadline: 25 June 2019 (12.00 pm CET) [...]

ISTW 2019

20th International Spherical Torus Workshop (ISTW2019) Important dates  Registration is open 15  June 2019 Abstract submission opens 15 June 2019 Visa request form deadline 1 September 2019 Abstract submission deadline 1 September 2019 Payments by bank [...]

ICCHMT Rome 2019

XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer Objective Computational techniques and methods are evolutionary field from macroscopic-level to nano-level, using continuum and discrete mechanics. It is necessary for scientist and engineers to [...]

Florence 2020

Nursing, An International Profession The Florence 2020 Conference, while being located in the city of Nightingale’s birth and clearly associating itself with her image and achievements, is intended to be broad-ranging and inclusive. Florence Nightingale [...]

SMEC 2019

  The 10th meeting of the SMEC series is expected to be an ideal platform to discuss and promote interdisciplinary research in the fields of high pressure physics, geophysics, solid state physics and chemistry and [...]

Il laboratorio e le malattie croniche cardiovascolari

La cardiologia ha regalato alla popolazione generale circa 6 anni di aspettativa di vita. Questo grazie all’incremento delle cure di tutte le malattie acute cardiovascolari ma, generando al contempo, un aumento epidemico delle patologie [...]

Il laboratorio nelle malattie tiroidee

È ormai acquisito il progressivo incremento dell’incidenza delle patologie tiroidee in tutte le fasce di età; studi epidemiologici evidenziano che oltre sei milioni di italiani presentano una patologia tiroidea e da alcun anni la forbice, [...]

EAUH 2018 Rome

14th International Conference on Urban History Urban renewal and resilience: cities in comparative perspective The European Association for Urban History (EAUH) was established in 1989 with support from the European Union. Its goal is [...]

ICCE 2024 Rome

International Conference on Coastal Engineering The premiere international event on coastal engineering Topics include: historical experience of Mediterranean coastal and harbour engineering, protection from storm waves, tsunami and sea level rise, beach nourishment projects, wave [...]

Voorburg Group Meeting Rome 2018

33rd Meeting of the Voorburg Group on Service Statistics The primary objective of the Group is to establish an internationally comparable methodology for measuring the constant dollar outputs of the services industries. The focus of [...]

CAA-TA 2018

Tablet, puntatori oculari, app e software per la comunicazione: stato dell’arte delle tecnologie assistive a supporto dei progetti di Comunicazione Aumentativa e Alternativa. Gli interventi di CAA hanno uno stretto legame con l’evoluzione delle [...]

Building Simulation BS2019 Rome

16th IBPSA International Conference & Exhibition Building Simulation is the premier international event in the field of building performance simulation. An exceptional opportunity to share information about simulation tools and applications, present and get [...]

IAS 2019 Roma

Sedimentology to face societal challenges on risk, resources and record of the past The International Association of Sedimentologists and the Earth Science Department of Sapienza University of Roma invite you to the 34th International [...]

ET 2018

Il tema caratterizzante della XXXIV Riunione Annuale dei Ricercatori di Elettrotecnica (ET 2018) è Elettrotecnica 4.0. La rivoluzione del quarto paradigma o “4.0” interesserà tutte le aziende manifatturiere e non. Le attività industriali dovranno [...]

SITE 2018 X Congresso Nazionale

Il Congresso Nazionale SITE è l'evento formativo rivolto agli operatori (medici, biologi, infermieri) coinvolti nell'assistenza globale ai pazienti affetti da emoglobinopatie. Il nostro Paese vanta una consolidata ed avanzata tradizione che lo pone ai [...]

ILED-6 International Meeting

6th Edition of the International Meeting on Ionic Liquids for Electrochemical Devices These dates have been selected to favour correlation with the 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry. Both events can thus be attended, [...]

I tumori del pancreas e delle vie biliari

I tumori del pancreas e delle vie biliari rappresentano allo stato un problema emergente di tipo sanitario nonché sociale. Trattasi di neoplasie di crescente impatto epidemiologico nel mondo occidentale il cui esordio clinico, quasi [...]

ESRA 2019 Rome

Shakespeare and European Geographies: centralities and elsewheres The European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA) is proud to announce that its next biennial  Conference will take place in the summer of 2019 in Rome, Italy, at [...]

IACHEC Meeting 2018

The IACHEC aims to provide standards for high energy calibration and supervise cross calibration between different missions. This goal is reached through working groups, where IACHEC members cooperate to define calibration standards and procedures. [...]

INCS 2018 International Conference

The INCS 2018 supernumerary conference, ‘Measure and Excess’, is jointly organised by the University of Roma Tre (Dipartimento di lingue, letterature e culture straniere), Macerata University (Dipartimento di studi umanistici), La Sapienza and John Cabot University. [...]

HPLS&A 2018

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we extend a warm and cordial welcome to you to be part of 22th Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications, held conjointly with eminent researchers and scholars from all [...]

ISMRD 2017

The ISMRD Board of Directors are thrilled to bring our 5th International Conference for Glycoprotein Storage Diseases to Rome! In November 2017, the 5th International Conference on Glycoproteinoses will be held in Rome, Italy. [...]

Il medico competente: ruolo e correlazioni

OBIETTIVI DEL CONVEGNO La previsione normativa comunitaria codificata nella direttiva quadro 391/89, traslata nella legislazione italiana prima con il DLgs 626/94, integrato dal DLgs 242/96 e da ultimo con il DLgs 81/08, proponeva una [...]

IAPS 2018 Rome

Transitions to sustainability, lifestyles changes and human wellbeing: cultural, environmental and political challenges The theme of the 25th International Association People-Environment Studies Conference follows coherently with the themes of the last Conferences in Lund/Alnarp, Timisoara, [...]

DIGRA 2018

DIGRA 2018 Conference: The game is the message Following Marshall McLuhan, we see games as extensions of ourselves. They recalibrate our senses. They redefine our social relationships. Their “content” is less important than the environment they create. [...]

AIDEA 2017

New Trends in Business Economics and Management Studies. Rewriting the relationship between business and society The AIDEA 2017 National Conference wants to be a fruitful forum to discuss and exchange ideas about the future trends [...]

Kreyon Conference 2017

Objectives The aim of the conference is to gather scientists from many different disciplines (physics, mathematics, computer science, biology, social sciences, arts, etc.) to address fundamental questions about how people express their creativity and innovate [...]

Infezione da HIV/AIDS (Cuneo)

Tra diagnosi e terapia, tra medicina generale e specialistica (per una generazione AIDS free) 4 ore formative per 4 crediti ECM Aggiornamenti in campo terapeutico HIV La diagnosi di HIV a partire dai segni clinici: [...]

Infezione da HIV/AIDS (Torino)

Tra diagnosi e terapia, tra medicina generale e specialistica (per una generazione AIDS free) 4 ore formative per 4 crediti ECM Aggiornamenti in campo terapeutico HIV La diagnosi di HIV a partire dai segni clinici: [...]

Infezione da HIV/AIDS (Novara)

Tra diagnosi e terapia, tra medicina generale e specialistica (per una generazione AIDS free) 4 ore formative per 4 crediti ECM Aggiornamenti in campo terapeutico HIV La diagnosi di HIV a partire dai segni clinici: [...]

ESCI 2017 Conference

51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation The ESCI 2017 meeting will last two and half days (from Wednesday to Friday), with high quality workshops on phagocyte biology, mitochondrial biology, rheumatology, [...]

ISAAC 2017

6° Conferenza Italiana sulla Comunicazione Aumentativa e Alternativa ISAAC Italy raduna in Italia le persone interessate e coinvolte nella C.A.A., cioè le persone che utilizzano la Comunicazione Aumentativa ed Alternativa, i loro familiari ed amici, [...]

Report VQR 2011-14 ANVUR Presentation

ANVUR presents the VQR 2011-2014 Report The preseNtation will take place at the Auditorium Antonianum (Rome, viale Manzoni 1) on February 21, 2017 - 10.45 am.   Minister Valeria Fedeli will chair the event. A streaming service [...]

Meeting Club del Globulo Rosso & SITE

La fisiopatologia, la biologia molecolare e la genetica del globulo rosso e del metabolismo del ferro rappresentano un ambito di studio fondamentale per la capacità di generare acquisizioni scientifiche trasversali. Le conoscenze conseguite nel corso [...]

ENTER2017 eTourism Conference Rome

Organised by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel and Tourism (IFITT), ENTER2017 eTourism Conference Rome will be the 24th annual ENTER Conference. The Conference offers a worldwide and unique forum for attendees from industry, academia, [...]

Risk Stratification and Personalized Laboratory Medicine

  Il convegno intende approfondire alcune tematiche relative alla medicina personalizzata con particolare riferimento alle patologie oncologiche e cardiovascolari. Sempre nell’ottica di poter valutare l’effettivo impatto della medicina personalizzata, verranno affrontate tematiche di particolare rilievo [...]

Diagnosi e Screening Prenatale: dove siamo e dove stiamo andando

Il convegno ha l’obiettivo di elaborare percorsi condivisi di implementazione clinica in diagnosi prenatale con l’ausilio di linee guida e raccomandazioni. L’urgenza è dovuta alla necessità di approfondimento scientifico dei dati disponibili in letteratura sulle indicazioni in [...]

Young Statisticians

  Training Seminar on Methodology for Agricultural Censuses and Surveys It is a two-day training seminar on Methodology for Agricultural Censuses and Surveys and it will be held October 24 and 25, 2016. The [...]

IX Congresso Nazionale S.I.T.E.

Il IX Congresso Nazionale è l’evento formativo che la Società Italiana Talassemie ed Emoglobinopatie rivolge agli operatori (medici, biologi, infermieri) coinvolti nell’assistenza globale ai pazienti affetti da emoglobinopatie. Il nostro Paese vanta una consolidata ed [...]

INTEGRAL Workshop 2015

The INTEGRAL Workshop 2015 was held 5-9 October 2015, in Rome at University La Sapienza. On that occasion, Symposia supported the Local Organizing Committee with the collection of the registration fees both online and on-site. [...]

Stati Generali del Turismo Sostenibile

GLI STATI GENERALI Gli Stati Generali sono pensati come un momento partecipato per riflettere sulle necessità e le criticità del turismo italiano. Una platea di circa 200 persone, tutte professioniste del settore turistico, discuterà [...]

Cosa c’è di nuovo in colon proctologia?

In questi ultimi anni, I’Endoscopia Digestiva e la Colonproctologia sono le discipline chirurgiche che hanno conosciuto lo sviluppo più rapido; in particolar modo lo sviluppo della seconda ha consentito un notevole miglioramento della diagnosi e [...]

Hiv E Medicina Generale: Dal Test Alle Comorbilità

A 30 anni dall’inizio della pandemia da HIV / AIDS, sono stati raggiunti degli incredibili traguardi terapeutici, grazie alla terapia antiretrovirale combinata che ha portato ad una cronicizzazione della malattia nel giro di pochi anni. [...]

Convegno SITE a Palermo

Programma Corso S.I.T.E Il corpo docenti di tali incontri comprenderà alcuni tra i maggiori esperti italiani delle varie tematiche per trattare in modo interattivo con i discenti alcune problematiche di particolare interesse scientifico relative alle [...]

Codice Rosso in Pediatria

Il corso “CODICE ROSSO IN PEDIATRIA” si propone di realizzare un percorso formativo finalizzato all’acquisizione di conoscenze sulla gestione del paziente pediatrico affetto da patologie acute di interesse medico. Il corso è articolato in quattro [...]

Infezione da HIV e medicina generale

Uniamo qui di seguito il razionale scientifico dell’ evento al fine di fornirLe una presentazione accurata delle tematiche che verranno trattate ed approfondite in occasione di tale evento formativo.Tra le  3500 e  le 4000 persone [...]

ICAS VII call for papers

Since 1998 the International Conference on Agricultural Statistics (ICAS) has been held every three years under the auspices of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) Committee on Agricultural Statistics.ICAS VII is organized by the Italian National [...]

2° Workshop on Cancer and Fertility

Oggetto ed obiettivo del corso Il workshop è stato organizzato a conclusione del progetto inter-regionale “Il paziente oncologico lungo sopravvivente. Ridurre il rischio di complicanze riproduttive: un modello per le pratiche assistenziali di preservazione della [...]

Workshop WEC

Le tecnologie per la produzione e trasporto del GNL su lunga distanza e per il suo impiego su navi e imbarcazioni sono oggi disponibili e in alcune regioni d’Europa già trovano applicazione. I tasselli mancanti nella [...]

Towards a European Migration Policy

La Conferenza, promossa e organizzata dal Dipartimento per le Libertà Civili e l’Immigrazione del Ministero dell’Interno, riunisce esperti di alto livello e stakeholder impegnati nel settore dell’integrazione dei migranti (istituzioni, organizzazioni internazionali e non governative) [...]

VIII Congresso Nazionale S.I.T.E.

L’VIII Congresso Nazionale è l’evento formativo che la SITE rivolge agli operatori (medici, biologi, infermieri) coinvolti nell’assistenza globale ai pazienti affetti da emoglobinopatie. Il nostro paese vanta una  consolidata ed avanzata tradizione che lo pone [...]

II ConferenzaGNL

2° Conference On Liquefied Natural Gas For Transport Italy And The Mediterranean Area In the last year, the activities developed by ConferenzaGNL® have clearly highlighted the dynamism, both at European and International level, of the [...]

II Corso Site: Non Transfusiondependent Thalassemia (Ntdt)

La maggior parte delle sindromi talassemiche richiede un cronico apporto di sangue per permettere una sopravvivenza adeguata. Tuttavia un gruppo di sindromi talassemiche, pur raggiungendo bassi livelli di emoglobina, solo saltuariamente richiede l’apporto di sangue [...]

Workshop GNL

Natural gas is a fast growing source both as regards resources (shale gas) and uses. At the international level, the USA and emerging Asian Countries, which are the center of global energy consumption, are increasing [...]