Project Description

During the Siracusa 2021 ICEP, many topics of extreme scientific relevance and societal urgency will be treated, such as restorative environments, quality of life and wellbeing, climate change and global warming mitigation and adaptation, people-environment relations during the Covid-19 crisis, sustainable energy transition, plastic pollution, urban design, sustainable development goals and the UN Agenda 2030, environmental education, ecological behavior, risk perception, place identity and attachment, urban walkability, and many others.
The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee have worked hard to provide attendees with a very intense program. During the 4-days meeting, there will be 3 plenary keynote speeches, 1 thematic panel discussion, 22 symposia, 30 thematic parallel sessions, 2 poster sessions, 2 associative assemblies, plus institutional greetings and future conference announcements.