Project Description

Sedimentology to face societal challenges on risk, resources and record of the past
The International Association of Sedimentologists and the Earth Science Department of Sapienza University of Roma invite you to the 34th International Meeting of Sedimentology
Rome grew and developed in a key geological context, between the Apennines chain and the Tyrrhenian Sea, crossed by Tiber River that carved the volcanoclastic deposits to create the “seven hills”. The building stones of monuments (travertine, limestone, pyroclastics), well represent the great relevance of sedimentary geology for Rome and its province.
Our ambition is, as stated in the meeting title, to discuss, compare and promote researches able to cope with the societal changes from the specific perspective of the Sedimentology and Sedimentary Geology. We hope to involve in the meeting also scientific communities that, although not directly focused on sedimentology, use reconstruction of sedimentary processes and of stratigraphic record as main investigation tools, such as marine geology, volcanology, extraterrestrial geology, archaeology.