Key Dates Early bird registrazion deadline: 16 July 2019 (12.00 pm CET) Late online registrazion deadline: 22 Septembre 2019 (12.00 pm CET) Call for abstract start: 12 Aprile 2019 Contribution presentation deadline: 25 June 2019 (12.00 pm CET) Acceptance notifications: from 3 July 2019
ISTW 2019
20th International Spherical Torus Workshop (ISTW2019) Important dates Registration is open 15 June 2019 Abstract submission opens 15 June 2019 Visa request form deadline 1 September 2019 Abstract submission deadline 1 September 2019 Payments by bank transfer deadline 1 October 2019 Early registration deadline 18 October 2019 Late registration and onsite registration 28-31 October 2019 [...]
ICCHMT Rome 2019
XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer Objective Computational techniques and methods are evolutionary field from macroscopic-level to nano-level, using continuum and discrete mechanics. It is necessary for scientist and engineers to come together every two years in a relaxed environment to discuss new ideas and developments in the area of computational [...]
Florence 2020
Nursing, An International Profession The Florence 2020 Conference, while being located in the city of Nightingale’s birth and clearly associating itself with her image and achievements, is intended to be broad-ranging and inclusive. Florence Nightingale is taken as an important reference-point to the history of modern nursing, but the purpose of the conference is to [...]
SMEC 2019
The 10th meeting of the SMEC series is expected to be an ideal platform to discuss and promote interdisciplinary research in the fields of high pressure physics, geophysics, solid state physics and chemistry and materials science. The meeting will be held in the conference space of the 'Celebrity Equinox' cruise ship sailing from Miami [...]
Il laboratorio e le malattie croniche cardiovascolari
La cardiologia ha regalato alla popolazione generale circa 6 anni di aspettativa di vita. Questo grazie all’incremento delle cure di tutte le malattie acute cardiovascolari ma, generando al contempo, un aumento epidemico delle patologie croniche cardiovascolari. Nello specifico le patologie croniche sono: Cardiopatia Ipertensiva, Cardiopatia ischemica, Diabete mellito, che è equiparato ad una malattia [...]
Il laboratorio nelle malattie tiroidee
È ormai acquisito il progressivo incremento dell’incidenza delle patologie tiroidee in tutte le fasce di età; studi epidemiologici evidenziano che oltre sei milioni di italiani presentano una patologia tiroidea e da alcun anni la forbice, che separava l’incidenza della patologia nei due sessi, si sta assottigliando, a causa, anche, della tendenziale uniformità degli stili di [...]
EAUH 2018 Rome
14th International Conference on Urban History Urban renewal and resilience: cities in comparative perspective The European Association for Urban History (EAUH) was established in 1989 with support from the European Union. Its goal is to provide a multidisciplinary forum for historians, geographers, sociologists, anthropologists, art and architectural historians, planners and other scholars working on [...]
ICCE 2024 Rome
International Conference on Coastal Engineering The premiere international event on coastal engineering Topics include: historical experience of Mediterranean coastal and harbour engineering, protection from storm waves, tsunami and sea level rise, beach nourishment projects, wave energy converters, large barriers for flood defences. More information available soon.
Voorburg Group Meeting Rome 2018
33rd Meeting of the Voorburg Group on Service Statistics The primary objective of the Group is to establish an internationally comparable methodology for measuring the constant dollar outputs of the services industries. The focus of the Voorburg Group is to develop concepts, methods, and best practices in the areas of services. The Voorburg Group on Service [...]