Big Events

ICORS 2024

ICORS 2024 28th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy – ICORS 2024 July 28 – August 2, 2024 – Rome, Italy There is a deep link between Rome and the Raman effect, dating back to 1926, when Enrico Fermi took over the chair of theoretical physics at the University of Rome, boosting the famous [...]


A nome dell'Università di Padova, della FEPSAC, della Società Italiana di Psicologia dello Sport e del team organizzativo e scientifico altamente impegnato, siamo molto lieti di invitarvi a partecipare al 16° Congresso Europeo di Psicologia dello Sport e dell'Esercizio a Padova, Italia, luglio 2022 . Ci auguriamo che molti Psicologi dello Sport e dell'Esercizio, Scienziati dello [...]

ICA 2022

Contemporary societies are characterized more than ever by diversity—a myriad of different communities, cultures, languages, institutions and technologies interact in a common space and make up our complex societies. Bridging the gap between global and local, public and private, centre and periphery, majority and minority, duties and rights, hi-tech and low-tech – to [...]

ICEP 2021

During the Siracusa 2021 ICEP, many topics of extreme scientific relevance and societal urgency will be treated, such as restorative environments, quality of life and wellbeing, climate change and global warming mitigation and adaptation, people-environment relations during the Covid-19 crisis, sustainable energy transition, plastic pollution, urban design, sustainable development goals and the UN [...]

ENTER2017 eTourism Conference Rome

Organised by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel and Tourism (IFITT), ENTER2017 eTourism Conference Rome will be the 24th annual ENTER Conference. The Conference offers a worldwide and unique forum for attendees from industry, academia, government and other organisations to actively exchange, share and challenge state-of-the-art research and industrial case studies on the application of [...]

Stati Generali della rete trapiantologica Italiana

Le due giornate di lavori degli "Stati generali della rete trapiantologica Italiana", promosse dal Centro Nazionale Trapianti, sono strutturate in modo da offrire ai partecipanti sia una rappresentazione generale dello stato evolutivo del sistema trapianti italiano, sia un approfondimento tematico sulle aree di lavoro che richiedono, in questa fase, maggiore attenzione e sviluppo. La rete [...]

Unlocking the Potential of the Social Economy for EU Growth

Define the course and objectives European policy should strive to achieve regarding the social economy: an ambitious yet urgent goal according to the Italian Presidency, which has chosen to dedicate, during the Semester of Presidency of the European Union Council, careful consideration to the role of the S​ocial ​Economy by organizing the international conference "Unlocking [...]

Regenerating Communities through Partecipation

This meeting sprang from the indications provided by the President of the Council Matteo Renzi. The rotating Presidency of the European Union provided the context and opportunity for Italy to organise a much needed Forum dedicated to the Third Sector, to organised civil society and to public policies that incentivise and recognise the participation of [...]

ICAR Conference on Antiviral Research

The 28th International Conference on Antiviral Research (ICAR), hosted by the International Society for Antiviral Research (ISAR), took place at the Parco dei Principi Hotel, Rome Italy. The conference begun on Monday, May 11th, 2015, and concluded on Friday, May 15th, 2015.  True to the ISAR brand attendees will be provided with a multidisciplinary program of interest to biologists, chemists [...]