Scientific - Associative

ET 2018

Il tema caratterizzante della XXXIV Riunione Annuale dei Ricercatori di Elettrotecnica (ET 2018) è Elettrotecnica 4.0. La rivoluzione del quarto paradigma o “4.0” interesserà tutte le aziende manifatturiere e non. Le attività industriali dovranno essere integrate in catene di valore sempre più ricche e complesse. Sarà una competizione che potrà essere affrontata solo se [...]

ILED-6 International Meeting

6th Edition of the International Meeting on Ionic Liquids for Electrochemical Devices These dates have been selected to favour correlation with the 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry. Both events can thus be attended, moving from Bologna to Rome in the beautiful late-summer period. For the first time, the meeting will be located in the fascinating historical center [...]

IACHEC Meeting 2018

The IACHEC aims to provide standards for high energy calibration and supervise cross calibration between different missions. This goal is reached through working groups, where IACHEC members cooperate to define calibration standards and procedures. The scope of these groups is primarily a practical one: a set of data and results (eventually published on refereed [...]

INCS 2018 International Conference

The INCS 2018 supernumerary conference, ‘Measure and Excess’, is jointly organised by the University of Roma Tre (Dipartimento di lingue, letterature e culture straniere), Macerata University (Dipartimento di studi umanistici), La Sapienza and John Cabot University. The INCS programme committee invites proposals for papers on the theme of “measure and excess” in the long nineteenth century. [...]

HPLS&A 2018

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we extend a warm and cordial welcome to you to be part of 22th Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications, held conjointly with eminent researchers and scholars from all around the globe during October 9 - 12, 2018 in the amazing venue of Villa Mondragone, Frascati, near Rome, Italy. You can be a part of [...]

IAPS 2018 Rome

Transitions to sustainability, lifestyles changes and human wellbeing: cultural, environmental and political challenges The theme of the 25th International Association People-Environment Studies Conference follows coherently with the themes of the last Conferences in Lund/Alnarp, Timisoara, Glasgow and Leipzig. The theme of the last IAPS conference underlined the importance of the everyday life contexts to understand [...]

AIDEA 2017

New Trends in Business Economics and Management Studies. Rewriting the relationship between business and society The AIDEA 2017 National Conference wants to be a fruitful forum to discuss and exchange ideas about the future trends of Business Economics and Management Studies, especially in light of the profound and disruptive transformations in technological, political and socio-economic [...]

ISAAC 2017

6° Conferenza Italiana sulla Comunicazione Aumentativa e Alternativa ISAAC Italy raduna in Italia le persone interessate e coinvolte nella C.A.A., cioè le persone che utilizzano la Comunicazione Aumentativa ed Alternativa, i loro familiari ed amici, professionisti, tecnici ed aziende che distribuiscono in Italia ausili e materiali per la C.A.A. FOCUS THEMES: Utilizzo del modello della [...]

1° Giornata di Approfondimento su CAA e Tecnologie Assistite

Gli interventi di CAA hanno uno stretto legame con l’evoluzione delle tecnologie. Oggi più di ieri è fondamentale sapersi orientare in un panorama sempre più ricco di tecnologie, affinché le scelte effettuate siano le migliori, qui e ora e in prospettiva futura. Le due giornate raccolgono gli interventi delle principali aziende italiane protagoniste nel settore [...]