
Chirality 2023

Chirality 2023 33rd International Symposium on Chirality Rome July 24-27, 2023 Chirality 2023 will gather the world’s leading experts in the broad field of chirality and of its consequences in chemistry, biology, pharmacology, physics and materials science. Special attention will be devoted to young scientists presentations and posters. Chirality 2023 will be co-organized by the [...]

INQUA 2023

INQUA 2023 - International Union For Quaternary Research: Time for Change 14 – 20 July 2023 – Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy "We want to take this occasion to rekindle the pioneering spirit of the 4th INQUA Congress, held in 1953 in Rome and Pisa. The 2023 venue will be the Sapienza University main [...]

Euromit 2023

Euromit 2023 - International Meeting on Mitochondrial Pathology 11 – 15 June 2023 – Bologna Congress Center, Bologna, Italy EUROMIT is the premier international conference on mitochondrial disease. The prestigious five-day event will host talks from globally renowned experts in the mitochondrial field, an exceptional opportunity to share information about the study of [...]

MLSP 2023

33rd IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) September 17th – 20th 2023 – Fontana di Trevi Conference Centre, Rome, Italy CONFERENCE THEME The IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) conference will be held on September 17-20, 2023 in Rome, Italy. These dates fall within the [...]

SYNC 2022

SYNC: First Symposium for Young Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability Rome 20-23 June, 2022 The First Symposium for YouNg Chemists: Innovation and Sustainability (SYNC2022) is an International conference that takes over the legacy of the Young Researchers Conference (Convegno Giovani Ricercatori, CGR), an event which has been organized every two years since 2002 by [...]

WFTGA 2024

WFTGA, the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations, is a not-for-profit, non-political organization that brings together professional tourist guides and encourages standards in guiding around the world. WFTGA is recognized as an NGO by UNESCO, is an affiliate member of UNWTO, and is consulted by committees dealing with European standards (CEN) and International standards [...]


A nome dell'Università di Padova, della FEPSAC, della Società Italiana di Psicologia dello Sport e del team organizzativo e scientifico altamente impegnato, siamo molto lieti di invitarvi a partecipare al 16° Congresso Europeo di Psicologia dello Sport e dell'Esercizio a Padova, Italia, luglio 2022 . Ci auguriamo che molti Psicologi dello Sport e dell'Esercizio, Scienziati dello [...]

PNG 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are about to start working for the next edition of the Polymer Networks Group Workshop. It will be held in mid-June 2022 in Rome, after four years from the Prague’s edition and the unfortunate cancellation of the 2020 edition due to the pandemic emergency. In this period the [...]

ICA 2022

Contemporary societies are characterized more than ever by diversity—a myriad of different communities, cultures, languages, institutions and technologies interact in a common space and make up our complex societies. Bridging the gap between global and local, public and private, centre and periphery, majority and minority, duties and rights, hi-tech and low-tech – to [...]


The proposed theme for the IATDMCT 2021 follows coherently with the themes of the last Congresses, ie. pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, toxicology, the analysis of drugs in biological fluids and new analytical applications, the safety of patients and so on. The program will therefore be focused on the process of using concentrations of drugs, on the principles [...]